Media Kit

This page is for the media, booksellers, or anyone looking for information about me. Feel free to browse and print what you need!

Would you like to schedule a print, radio, or television interview with me? Interested in a review copy of one of my books? Looking to book an appearance – either in-person or via skype? For all of the above, please email me at

Rob E. Boley Bio

Rob E. Boley likes to make blank pages darker. He lives with his wife and his daughter in Dayton, Ohio. By day, he manages and analyzes big data. Yet each morning before sunrise, he rises to strike terror into the hearts of the unfortunate characters dwelling in his novels, stories, and poems. His fiction has been seen lurking in places such as A cappella Zoo, Pseudopod, Clackamas Literary Review, and Best New Werewolf Tales. His poetry has been known to prowl in publications such as Wild Goose Poetry Review, California Quarterly, Horror Writers’ Association Poetry Showcase, and Undead: A Poetry Anthology of Ghosts and Ghouls. He co-founded Howling Unicorn Press with his wife, author Megan Hart, to conjure tales that thrill, chill, and fulfill. You can learn more about this weird figure of the dark by visiting his website at

Author Photos
(click each photo for high-res image)

Please credit photographer Whitney Hart:

Rob E. Boley Author Photo

Please credit photographer Leighanna Hornick:

Author Rob BoleyIMG_2345copyRob and Zombie Snow

In the Media:


  • Best in Show in the Dayton Daily News/Antioch Writers’ Workshop Short Story Contest (2012)
  • Best in Show in the Sinclair Community College Creative Writing Contest (2013)
  • Editor’s Award for AMOK! Short Sharp Shocks Vol I Anthology, April Moon Books (2014)
  • Wattys 2014 – HQ Love Award courtesy of Wattpad for That Risen Snow (2014)

Social Media Links:

That Risen Snow Official Book Trailer:

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